Students Praying the Psalms: Psalm 107


Psalm 107

by Penelope Rich, 12th Grade

O Lord, we rejoice in You, our Everlasting Father, even creation rejoices in You! “Thou burning sun with golden beam, thou silver moon with softer gleam, O praise Him, O praise Him!”1 All nations shall fear You, the King of kings and Lord of lords for You are good and true.2 When You saved us from the serpent, we exclaimed Your wondrous works. We shouted out the stories of our salvation from the rooftops.3

With Your divine power, You redeemed us when we cried out from the wilderness. Even when we struggled through the desolate wastelands where “the sun beats, and the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, and the dry stone no sound of water”4, You delivered us.5 You broke our shackles. You parted the waters for our crossing. You shed light upon us when we drowned in darkness.6 You, Son of the living God, provided food for us in the wilderness the same way You provide for the birds of the air. We will sing praises of Your unfailing love and rest in You. For the Lord is a warm safe place where as children we can hide, and pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass us by.7

When we disobeyed and ran to the sea, You, the Creator of all things, stirred up the water so that its waves roared.8 Terribly frightened of the magnificent waters, our courage evaporated and we cried to the infinite God. You saved us with Your righteous right hand and sang the waters to sleep. After, You healed our broken bodies and strengthened our souls. O Lord, may we never forget that You redeemed Your people because of Your everlasting love that suffocates the iniquities of man. O Son of God, hear our prayer and warm us with your eternal flame of love. We pray this in Jesus’s name, Amen.

1 Quote from Hymn “All creatures of Our God and King”
2 Allusion to Revelation 15:3-4
3 Allusion to Psalm 107:2
4 Quote from T.S Eliot “The wasteland”
5 Allusion to Psalm 107:13
6 Allusion to Psalm 107:14
7 Allusion to Guns n Roses “Sweet Child of Mine”
8 Allusion to Jeremiah 31:35

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